Q1: Why did I receive my order in separate deliveries?
Answer: This occurs because the items in your order were packaged separately.
* This can happen when:
The items in your order exceed the standard allowed in a singular parcel and therefore will need to be split into several parcels. As the parcels travel separately, this may cause you to receive them separately.
There are more than one seller in your singular order. As sellers are in different locations, the delivery time for each of your parcels may vary. You may track your parcels separately – click TRACK MY ORDER to find out more about tracking your order.
Q2: Why do some products take longer shipping time?
Answer: The shipping time for a product depends on a few factors:
- Origin of the product – if a product is shipped from overseas, it will take a longer timeframe to arrive compared to a product shipped locally.
- Distance from Seller’s location to your shipping address.
- Due to a high volume of orders and the precautionary measures taken by us and our delivery partners please expect a delay in the delivery of your order.
- Peak online sales & promotional periods, orders and deliveries may take a longer time. For festive seasons, please place your order twenty (20) days in advance in addition to the regular lead time required.
Q3: What if my order status is “Delivered” but I haven’t received my item?
Answer: If your package has been marked as “Delivered”, it may have been received on your behalf by someone else. We suggest you check the following:
– Housemates/Family members residing at your home address or neighbors
– Your office reception/ office mailing room or colleagues (If delivery address is the office address)
If you still can’t locate your package, kindly compile: receiver name, contact details and order number (Order #XXXXX) via email to magicher.ecomm@gmail.com
Q4: If my package was damaged during delivery?
Answer: If your item was damaged during the course of delivery with us, please send us an email with the below details:
1. Make sure you notify us within 24 hours via email to magicher.ecomm@gmail.com
2. Kindly compile: receiver name, contact details and order number (Order #XXXXX), package image of the item when received.
Q5: How to check my package shipment status?
Answer: You may key in your package consignment code at the Parcel Tracking system.
Q6. What courier company will deliver the order?
Answer: Below are our appointed courier service:
Peninsular Malaysia – YUNDA Express Malaysia
East Malaysia – YUNDA Express Malaysia
Q7. Do you process orders during Public Holidays?
Answer: While we’d love for you to get your order as soon as possible, our sellers and our courier partners are closed on Public Holidays regulated in Malaysia. We seek your understanding in having your orders processed, or parcels shipped, on the next working day.